Friday, November 25, 2005

Evil Christians

Being Christian is particularly difficult in our time. One of the reasons for the difficulty is the sheer amount of evil being done in the name of Christianity. I can't claim to be thankful for the difficulty, but I am thankful for the enhanced discernment and understanding that comes with our time. We can't judge the souls of any of our sisters or brothers of the human family, but we have to recognize evil in our midst. I propose the following five characteristics of evil Christians to help us recognize evil for what it is:

Characteristics of evil Christians:

1.) They claim exclusive representation of God.

2.) They say, "If you disagree with us, you are on your way to Hell."

3.) They claim that whatever they do is good and right because God is on their side.

4.) They readily sacrifice the well being of people who do things they disapprove of.

5.) They use their faith as a political tool.


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